APRIL 2005:
Saturday, April 9, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Howell Library, 318 Old Tavern Road, Howell, (732) 938-2300
Attending: Author/Poet Frank Finale will read from his books and tell how they were created. Afterwards, he will meet readers and sign books. Books will be available for purchase.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Vols. I & II
Women's Club of Manasquan, 62 Main Street, Manasquan. Contact person, Barbara Crosson, (732)223-0752.
Time: 12:30 PM to 1:10 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will tell a little about his books and read some selections from them. Afterwards, he will be available to meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
Time: 1:30 PM
Saturday Poetry Series V at the Red Bank Library, 84 West Front Street, Red Bank. Directions: Call library (732) 842-0690. Info: Call Gloria Healy (732) 741-8966. Free refreshments and open mic.
Attending: Author/poet Frank Finale will read with four other poets: Emanuel di Pasquale, Gloria Rovder Healy, Charles Johnson, and Bob McKenty. All will be available to sign books and meet readers.
MAY 2005
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Titles: "All Summer Long" by Gordon Hesse plus "A Gull's Story" and "To The Shore Once More, Vols. I & II" by Frank Finale
Things A Drift, 406 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, (609) 361-1668
Times: Gordon Hesse: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM; Frank Finale: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Attending: Authors Gordon Hesse and Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
JUNE 2005
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 425 Market Place Blvd., Hamilton, (609) 581-2523
Time 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
9th Annual Barnegat Bay Festival on the main campus of Ocean County College, Toms River. For more information, call Mary Judge at (732)255-0472, Extension 3.
Times: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books. Food, music, awards and recreational activities.
JULY 2005
Tuesday, July 5, 2005:
Title: "All Summer Long" by Gordon Hesse
Things A Drift, 406 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, (609) 361-1668
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Attending: Author Gordon Hesse will meet readers and sign books.
Wednesday, July 6, 2005:
Titles: "A Gull's Story" and "To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II" by Frank Finale
Things A Drift, 406 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, (609) 361-1668
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Title: "All Summer Long" by Gordon Hesse
Fair Haven Books, 759 River Road, Fair Haven, (732) 747-9455
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Attending: Author Gordon Hesse will meet readers and sign books.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
Rahway Public Library, 2 City Hall Plaza, Rahway, (732)340-1551
Time: 7:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a presentation about his books and read a few selections from each. Afterwards, he will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
Third Annual New Jersey State Ice Cream Festival, Washington Street, Toms River
Time: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will be one of the celebrity judges. In addition to tasting ice cream, he will also have a booth where his books will be available for purchase. Frank will greet and meet readers and sign books. For more info, please visit
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Title: All Summer Long by Gordon Hesse
McLoone's Pier House, Pier Village, along the ocean in Long Branch
Time: 5:20 PM
Attending: Author Gordon Hesse will be interviewed live by host Joan Hamburg of New York City's WOR 710 AM radio. The interview will be taped and broadcast on Friday, August 26, 2005 at 10:00 AM on WOR 710 AM. After the interview, Mr. Hesse will be available to meet readers and sign books.
Sunday, September 4, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Things A Drift, 406 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, (609) 361-1668

Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Title: All Summer Long
Lavallette Heritage Day, Philadelphia Avenue and Bay Boulevard, Lavallette
Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Attending: Author Gordon Hesse will meet readers and sign books at this all day festival. Rain date: September 11.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II
8th Annual Beach Plum Festival 2005, Island Beach State Park at the first bathing pavilion (OBI). For more information, please call (732) 905-5728 or visit to
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books. Speakers, demonstrations, games, and attractions for children and adults. Free admission.
Friday, September 16, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Brielle River View Seniors, Curtis House, 644 Union Lane, Brielle, Call (732) 528-5253 for information.

Time 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a presentation on his books. Afterwards he will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, September 24, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story, To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

3rd Annual Walt Whitman Festival, Ocean Grove Historical Society, Ocean Grove. For more information, check (email 

Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Attending: Author/Poet Frank Finale will be one of the featured readers. Other featured readers are: Emanuel di Pasquale, Gloria Rovder Healy, Charles Johnson and Bob McKenty; an open mike will follow. There will be panels and workshops on poetry, as well as a "Spiritual Poetry" reading by: Maude Carolan, Deborah LaVaglia, Jerome Leary and Sander Zulauf. There will also be a walking tour of Walt Whitman in the Grove.
Saturday, October 1, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Ocean County Library's BookFest, a NJ Festival of Reading, Berkeley Branch of Ocean County Library, 30 Station Road, Bayville, (732) 269-2144.

Time: 10:00 AM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will be there to meet readers and sign books from 10:00 AM to 11:45 AM. Over a dozen other authors will be there throughout the day. For information about them, go to www.oceancountylibrary.org_ (
Saturday, October 1, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Chowder Fest Weekend on LBI, Things A Drift, 406 Long Beach Boulevard, (609) 361-1668

Time: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Thursday, October 6, 2005

Title: Italian American Writers on New Jersey

Barnes & Noble Book Sellers, Clifton Commons, 395 Route 3 East, Clifton, (973) 779-5500

Time: 7:30 PM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will read his essay "Summer Job" which was republished in the anthology Italian American Writers on New Jersey (Rutgers University Press, 2003). Call to find out what other poets and writers will be there to read from the anthology. Frank will be available after the reading to sign books and meet readers.
Saturday, October 8, 2005

Titles: To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II and A Gull's Story 

Times: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Harvest Festival, Favorite Things, 62 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, (732) 774-0230

Attending: Author Frank Finale and artist Theresa Troise Heidel will meet readers and sign books and prints.
Saturday, October 15, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Founders' Day meeting and luncheon for Alpha Delta Kappa, an honorary sorority for outstanding women educators, at the Old Orchard Country Club, 54 Monmouth Road, Eatontown, (732) 542-9417

Time 12:00 PM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a talk on his children's book and the Jersey Shore. Afterwards he will meet readers and sign books.
Monday, October 17, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Educators' Eve at Barnes & Noble Booksellers,
425 Market Place Blvd., Hamilton, (609) 581-2523 

Time 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a short talk about his children's book and how it relates to science, language, and art curriculum. He will be available to meet readers and sign books after the program. Several other authors will be there, too.
Thursday, October 20, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

Two-Year College Association (TYCA) social event at the Hyatt Regency Princeton, 102 Carnegie Center, Princeton.

Times: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Attending: Emmanuel di Pasquale, Frank Finale, Dan Zimmerman, Sander Zulauf and others. Poetry, jazz (Joel Forrester Trio), food and drink.
Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Titles: The Poets Of New Jersey, To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II, and A Gull's Story 

Time: 7:30 PM

The Italian American Club at the Four Seasons in Lakewood. Call (732) 255-4071 for information.

Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a forty-five minute presentation on his books. He will be available to meet readers and sign books afterwards.
Thursday, November 10 and Friday, November 11, 2005

Titles: A Gull's Story and To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II

New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) Convention, New Atlantic City Convention Center, in the "Author's Alley," Hall C, Atlantic City. For more information about Author's Alley, please contact Cindy Vannauker at (609) 599-4561 ext. 2263.

Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Thursday and 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday.

Attending: Author/Poet Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Blue Colt Bookstore, Middlesex County College, 2600 Woodbridge Avenue, Edison, (732) 906-2539

Time: 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Emmanuel di Pasquale and Frank Finale and poets Gloria Rovder Healy, Charles H. Johnson, Matthew Spano, and Daniel Zimmerman, whose works appear in the book. This is the premiere book signing event for "The Poets of New Jersey"!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Title: All Summer Long

Meet the author engagement at the Upper Shores Branch of the Ocean County Library,
112 Jersey City Avenue, Lavallette, (732) 793-4864

Time: 7:00 PM

Attending: Author Gordon Hesse will read from his book, "All Summer Long," meet readers, and sign books.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
County College of Morris Employee Craft Fair, in the new student center building at the County College of Morris, Route 10 at Center Grove Road, Randolph (#214 Center Grove Road). Please call Student Activities Office for further information: (973) 328-5000.
Visitors parking requires a stop at the Security Building on the College Drive, about a quarter mile in on the right hand side. They will issue a pass and give directions for parking.
Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Attending: Editor/Poet Sander Zulauf will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Titles: The Poets Of New Jersey, To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II, and A Gull's Story
Barnes & Noble, Brick Plaza Shopping Center, Brick, (732) 255-6600
Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Attending: Editor/Poet Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Title: All Summer Long
Robin's Bookstore, 108 South 13th Street, Philadelphia, (215) 735-9600;
Time: 2:00 PM
Attending: Author Gordon Hesse and more than 20 other authors will be attending: “Philadelphia Ink: Celebrating Philadelphia Area Authors Who Have Published in 2005,” with presentations and refreshments. The event is free and open to everyone. Check the website,, for an updated list of those who will be presenting. 
Each year in December, Robin’s Bookstore, Philadelphia’s oldest independent bookstore, has a party for authors who have published in that year. It is one of their Ink programs, which celebrates writing and publishing by various groups. There are several reasons Robin’s Bookstore produces the Ink programs:

• Writers usually work in isolation. They think it is good to get writers together to talk, to network, and to celebrate.

• Writers do not usually have contact with readers. They think that contact between writers and the people who read the books is important. It personalizes literature. It gives a human face to those mythic individuals who write books. It allows for communication and inspiration for readers and beginning writers to meet those who have succeeded in publishing.
• It builds audience for writers to have public events.

• They like parties and hearing smart people talk about what they do. They try to be inclusive and invite everyone they know about.
Saturday, February 4, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Institute For Spiritual Development, 15 Main Street, Sparta, (973) 729-8261
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Frank Finale and Sander Zulauf and poets Laura Boss, Catherine Doty, and Joe Weil, whose works appear in the book.
Wednesday, February 8, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Borders Books & Music, 300 Route 18, MidState Mall, East Brunswick, (732) 238-7000
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Emanuel di Pasquale, Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf and poets Mathew Spano and Daniel Zimmerman, whose works appear in the book.
Throughout March 2006
Titles: The Poets of New Jersey; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; A Gull's Story
Four Seasons Cable TV, Lakewood
Time: Airs twice a day, 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM, five days a week (Monday - Friday) for a full month.
Twenty minute interview with poet/author Frank Finale. (Interview will be recorded on Friday, December 9, 2005.)
Thursday, March 2, 2006
Barnes and Noble Superstore, Clifton Commons, 395 Route 3, Clifton, (973) 779-5500
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be poets Laura Boss and Maria Mazziotti Gillan, whose works appear in the book. There will also be an “open reading” (time permitting).
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Ron's West End Pub, 103 West End Avenue, Long Branch, (732) 229-7611
Time: 5:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Emanuel di Pasquale, Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf and poets Gloria Rovder Healy and Daniel Zimmerman, whose works appear in the book.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II, and The Poets of New Jersey
Alpha Delta Kappa, Joint Social, Lambda Chapter (Toms River) at the Eagle's Ridge Country Club, 2 Augusta Blvd., Lakewood
Time: 5:30 - 9:30 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a short presentation about his books. Afterwards he will meet readers and sign books.
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Borders Books & Music, 300 Route 18, MidState Mall, East Brunswick, (732) 238-7000
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Emanuel di Pasquale, Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf and poets Mathew Spano and Daniel Zimmerman, whose works appear in the book.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Titles: The Poets of New Jersey
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 200 West Route 70, Marlton, (856) 596-7058
Time: 7:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editor/poet Frank Finale and poets Gloria Rovder Healy and Jean Hollander, whose works appear in the book. An open mic for other poets will follow.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Titles: The Poets of New Jersey
Ocean County Library, 101 Washington Street, Toms River, (732) 349-6200
Time: 7:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf and poets Penny Harter, Gloria Rovder Healy, William J. Higginson, Jean Hollander, Peter E. Murphy, and Bob McKenty, whose works appear in the book.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
County College Of Morris, LRC Reading Room, 214 Center Grove Road, Randolph, (973) 328-5000
Time: 7:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books were editors/poets Emanuel di Pasquale, Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf as well as X. J. Kennedy, plus Renee Ashley, Catherine Doty, BJ Ward, and Joe Weil, whose works appear in the book. Bob McKenty and Gloria Rovder Healy, whose works also appear in the book, were also present. There was a reception and book signing after the reading.
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Espresso Joe's, 50 West Front Street, Keyport, (732) 203-9499
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be co-editor/poet Frank Finale and poets Gloria Rovder Healy and Madeline Tiger, whose works appear in the book. The poets will also read some of their newest works.
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Barron Arts Center, 582 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge, (732) 634-0413
Time: 8:00 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editor/poet Frank Finale and poets Laura Boss, Catherine Doty, Gloria Rovder Healy, Jean Hollander, Joe Weil, and Daniel Zimmerman, whose works appear in the book, as well as poets Ben Ciardi, Edie Eustice, and Deborah LaVeglia. The poets will also read some of their newest works.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Titles: To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey; and A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2
Burlington County School Media Association (BCSMA) Author Dinner at The Kove II, 4313 Route 130 South, Park Plaza, Edgewater Park
Time: 5:30 cocktails; 6:00 dinner. Dinner is $30. for members and $35. for non-members. Anyone currently not a member who pays next year's dues ($20.) now can attend the dinner at the member price. All are welcome!
Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a presentation about his books. Afterwards, he will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Title: A Gull's Story, Part 2
Barnes & Noble, Brick Plaza Shopping Center, Brick, (732) 255-6600
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale and Illustrator Margie Moore will meet readers and sign their new children's book. Frank Finale will give a slide show presentation and read the book. Original artwork from the book will be on display and available for purchase. This is the premiere event for this new title!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Titles: To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey; and A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2
Celebrate New Jersey Awards at Barnes & Noble, Brick Plaza Shopping Center, Brick, (732) 255-6600.
Time: 7:00 PM
Attending: Fourth grade students whose writings celebrate New Jersey. Author Frank Finale will give a ten minute talk to the students and their parents about New Jersey.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Poetry Festival: A Celebration of New Jersey’s Literary Journals at the West Caldwell Public Library, 30 Clinton Avenue, West Caldwell. For more information, ontact: Diane Lockward 973-226-0807 or the library: 973-226-5441. For directions:
Time: 1:00 to 5:00 PM
Attending: Twenty-six poets will read throughout the afternoon; plus twelve Journals will be represented with their editors attending: The Barefoot Muse, Edison Literary Review, Exit 13, Journal of New Jersey Poets, Lips, The Literary Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, Tiferet, and US 1 Worksheets, Up & Under, plus New York neighbor journals, Good Foot and Heliotrope. Plus the new anthology, "The Poets of New Jersey." As part of the festival, reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be co-editor/poet Sander Zulauf and poets BJ Ward and Madeline Tiger, whose works appear in the book. Books will be available for purchases and signing, and Journals will be available along with subscription and submission information. Editors will answer questions about publishing. For more information:
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Long Branch Historical Society, located in the Council Chambers in the Long Branch City Hall, 344 Broadway, Long Branch, (732) 229-9258.
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be editors/poets Emanuel di Pasquale and Frank Finale and poets Gloria Rovder Healy, Madeline Tiger, and Gretna Wilkinson, whose works appear in the book. The poets will also read some of their newest works.
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Time: 1:30 PM
Saturday Poetry Series at the Red Bank Library, 84 West Front Street, Red Bank. Directions: Please call the library at
(732) 842-0690. For more information: please call Gloria Rovder Healy at (732) 741-8966.
Reading from the book, meeting readers, and signing books will be co-editor/poet Frank Finale and poets Catherine Doty, Gloria Rovder Healy, and Charles Johnson, whose works appear in the book. Free refreshments and open mic will follow.
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; ToThe Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; and The Poets of New Jersey.
"Summer Sensations Weekend at Colts Neck Library, Heritage Lane in the Municipal Complex in Colts Neck. Call Kelly Taylor for information: (732) 780-1271.
Time: 1:00 PM -2:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will read to the children from "A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2." Afterwards, he will meet readers and sign books. There will also be a photography exhibit. A reception with late afternoon tea, finger sandwiches, and sweets will give everyone an opportunity to meet the photographers.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Title: A Gull's Story, Part 2
Anchor & Palette Gallery, 45 Mount Street, Bay Head, (732) 892-7776
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attending: On the same day as "Art In The Park," Bay Head's annual outdoor art show, author Frank Finale and illustrator Margie Moore will meet readers and sign their new children's book at the Anchor & Palette Gallery. Margie Moore's original artwork created for the book will be on display at the gallery and available for purchase.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Title: A Gull's Story, Part 2
Thistledown Gallery, 1405-1 Third Avenue, Spring Lake, (732) 974-0376
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale and illustrator Margie Moore will meet readers and sign their new children's book. Refreshments will be served and pianist John Sciullo will play music in the background.
Sunday, July 2, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2, To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II, and The Poets of New Jersey
Things A Drift, 406 Long Beach Boulevard, Ship Bottom, (609) 361-1668
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Title: A Gull's Story, Part 2
Landmark Books, 171 Main Street, Manasquan, (732) 292-9000
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale and illustrator Margie Moore will meet readers and sign books.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Time: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Poetry in the Park at Windward Beach, Princeton Avenue, Brick, (732) 262-1006.
Attending: Author/Poet Frank Finale, poet Therese Halscheid, and Hugh Glass, composer and musician, will read and sing from their works. An open reading follows.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Waldenbooks, in Ocean County Mall, Hooper Avenue, Toms River, (732) 240-5808
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Kate & Company, 1100 Third Avenue, Spring Lake, (732) 449-1633
Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, August 12 and Sunday, August 13, 2006
Title: Long Beach Island Rhapsody
Anchor & Palette Gallery, 45 Mount Street, Bay Head, (732) 892-7776
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attending: One of the book's sixty featured artists, Tine Kirkland Graham will be at the Anchor & Palette to paint whimsical children's portraits as well as to meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey.
Waldenbooks in Ocean County Mall, Hooper Avenue, Toms River, (732) 240-5808
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Titles: Spring Lake, Revisited
Kate & Company, 1100 Third Avenue, Spring Lake, (732) 449-1633
Time: 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Attending: Author Patrick Smith will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey.
Waldenbooks in Freehold Raceway Mall, 3710 Route 9, Freehold, (732) 303-8010
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, September 9, 2005
Title: All Summer Long
Lavallette Heritage Day, Philadelphia Avenue and Bay Boulevard, Lavallette
Time: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Attending: Author Gordon Hesse will meet readers and sign books at this all day festival. Rain date: September 10.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Titles: To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey; A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2
9th Annual Beach Plum Festival 2006, Island Beach State Park, at the first bathing pavilion (OBI). For more information, please call (732) 286-9064 or visit
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books. Speakers, demonstrations, games, and attractions for children and adults. Free admission.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Titles: To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey; A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2
The Brielle Women's Club, Curtis House, 644 Union Lane, Brielle, (732) 528-8125
Time: 1:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a presentation on his books. Afterwards, he will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2.
Atlantic City Aquarium Benefit Day at Borders, Mall at Hamilton Center, 4403 Black Horse Pike, Mays Landing,
(609) 484-9277
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will read from "A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2." Afterwards, he will meet readers and sign books. 10% of the sales from the books will go to benefit the Atlantic City Aquarium. An aquarium with fish from this region will be set up outside for children to see and ask questions. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR THOSE ATTENDING THIS EVENT: On the day of this event, pick up a 10% discount coupon outside the Borders store in Mays Landing for a 10% discount off your entire purchase at Borders that day!
September 28 – October 1, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
The 2006 and 11th Biennial Geraldine R. Dodge Poetery Festival, Waterloo Village, Stanhope, NJ
Time: Saturday, September 30: 4:45 PM to 6:00 PM
To mark its 20th year, the Dodge Poetry Festival, the largest poetry event in North America, will return in 2006 to its birthplace—beautiful Waterloo Village, a National Historic Site in Stanhope, New Jersey. Nearly 20,000 people are expected to welcome the 11th biennial Dodge Poetry Festival back to Waterloo Village. The Festival will return to a completely new Concert Tent, more spacious satellite performance tents, and expanded free parking facilities in the restored 19th-century canal-lock and riverside village. Join more than 60 poets—including Ekiwah Adler-Belendez, Taha Muhammad Ali, Lucille Clifton, Billy Collins, Toi Derricotte, Mark Doty, Jorie Graham, Linda Gregg, Tony Hoagland, Linda Hogan, Kurtis Lamkin, Andrew Motion, Taslima Nasreen, Grace Paley, Linda Pastan, Gerald Stern, Sekou Sundiata, Brian Turner, and Ko Un—and dozens of accomplished musicians and storytellers for four days of poetry and music beside the Musconetcong River and among the Village’s lawns, trees, and historic buildings. The Festival has set aside a tent on Saturday the 30th from 4:45 PM to 6:00 PM where two of the three editors/poets of "The Poets of New Jersey," Frank Finale and Sander Zulauf, will read from the book as well as many of the poets (to be announced) featured in the book.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Title: Long Beach Island Rhapsody
Wildflowers By The Lighthouse, 410 Broadway, (609) 361-8191

Artists Attending: Steve Kuzma, Lee Wagner, Joseph S. Tarella, Virginia Perle
North End Trilogy, 506 Broadway, (609) 494-9640

Artists Attending: Louis Lanzafama, Lisa Budd
Seaman’s Landing, Historic Viking Village, 19th Street & Bayview Avenue, (609) 494-2223

Artist Attending: Carol Freas
Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
This is the premiere book signing event for “Long Beach Island Rhapsody”! The attending artists listed above (plus other artists to be announced!) whose works of art appear in the book will be available to meet readers and sign books. Originals and prints of many of the works appearing in the book will be available for purchase. Don’t miss this very special event at each of these three locations!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ocean County Library's BOOKFEST at theToms River Branch of the Ocean County Library,101 Washington Street, Toms River, (732) 349-6200.
Attending: Author Frank Finale will give a presentation about his books. Afterwards he will meet readers and sign books. Please go to for more information and a list the many other participating authors. Also, the Toms River Downtown is holding a Pizza Pasta Pastry event, a street fair on Washington Street.
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey.
Fourth Annual Walt Whitman Poetry Festival at Auditorium Park in Ocean Grove. For information, please call
(732) 771-8966 or visit or email:
Time: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Attending: At 11:00 AM, "The Poets of New Jersey" will be featured at the Bishop James Tabernacle. Editors/Poets Emanuel Di Pasquale, Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf will read from the book as well as the following poets featured in the book: William Higginson, Charles Johnson, Bob McKenty, Madeline Tiger, and Gretna Wilkinson. All will be available to meet readers and sign books throughout the day. The three editors will also be on an Editors Panel with other editors of literary magazines at 1:00 PM at the Youth Temple Auditorium. Throughout the day, there will be readings, workshops, panels, open mikes, a bookstore, and strolling poet musicians.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
Barnes & Noble, Paramus Mall, Route 17 South, Paramus
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Editors/Poets Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf, as well as poets Laura Boss, Madeline Tiger, and BJ Ward, whose works appear in the book, will read from the anthology as well as some of their own works. After the reading, they will be available to meet readers and sign books.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Title: The Poets of New Jersey
South Brunswick Public Library, 110 Kingston Lane, Monmouth Junction, (732) 329-4000.
Time: 2:00 PM
Attending: The Editors of "The Poets of New Jersey," Emanuel di Pasquale, Frank Finale, and Sander Zulauf, will read from the anthology, as well as some of their own works. After the reading, they will be available to sign books and meet and meet readers .
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; ToThe Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; and The Poets of New Jersey.
Colts Neck Library, Heritage Lane in the Municipal Complex in Colts Neck. Please call Kelly Taylor for information:
(732) 780-1271.
Time: 1:00 PM -2:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Sunday & Monday, October 29 & 30
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2, To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Authors' and Illustrators' Alley, New Jersey Association of School Librarians (NJASL) will hold its annual conference at Ocean Place Resort & Spa, Long Branch. For information, call Susan Titelbaum at 973-669-5301 ext. 224.
Times: October 29: 9:00 - 11:30 AM and 1:00 - 3:00 PM. October 30: 8:30 AM - 12 noon and 1:00 - 5:30 PM.
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet informally with librarians, sign books, and arrange for school visits.
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Title: Long Beach Island Rhapsody
The Village Shoppes, 161 East Main Street, Tuckerton, (609) 294-8829
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Attending: Cover artist Joyce Lawrence, in her first book signing event, as well as artists Lisa Budd, Cathleen Engelsen, and Carol Freas, whose works appear in the book, will be available to meet readers and sign books. Originals and prints of many of their works appearing in the book will be available for purchase. Don’t miss this very special book signing event!
Thursday and Friday, November 9 and 10, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey.
New Jersey Education Association (NJEA) Convention, New Atlantic City Convention Center, in the "Author's Alley," Hall D, Atlantic City. For more information about Authors' Alley, please contact Cindy Vannauker at (609) 599-4561 ext. 2263
Times: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Thursday and 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Friday.
Attending: Author/Poet Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Titles: To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; and The Poets of New Jersey.
Middlesex Community College, in the College Center (Bunker Lounge), 2600 Woodbridge Avenue, Edison
Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Attending: Frank Finale and Emanuel di Pasquale will read from the anthology, The Poets of New Jersey, and their children's books. After the reading, they will be available to meet readers and sign books.
11-16 – 11-18: Long Branch Poetry Festival
Among the many poets attending this three day festival, on Friday, Nov. 17, from 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, author/poet Frank Finale, author of “To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II,” “A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2,” and “The Poets of New Jersey” will give a fifteen minute reading from his poems. Five other poets will also read that afternoon.
Monmouth University, Wilson Hall, Wilson Auditorium, West Long Branch, (732) 229-3166 or email
Friday, November 24, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Waldenbooks, in Ocean County Mall, Hooper Avenue, Toms River, (732) 240-5808
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; ToThe Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; and The Poets of New Jersey
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 200 West Route 70, Marlton, (856) 596-7058
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Title: A Gull's Story, Part 2
Robin's Bookstore, 108S.13th Street, Philadelphia, PA, (215) 735-9600.
Time: 4:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will speak about A Gull's Story, Part 2 for three minutes. He is among fifty authors who will attend the event to speak about the books they wrote in 2006. He will be available to sign books afterwards. Refreshments and light food served.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Waldenbooks, in Ocean County Mall, Hooper Avenue, Toms River, (732) 240-5808
Time: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Titles: A Gull's Story, Parts 1 & 2; To The Shore Once More, Volumes I & II; The Poets of New Jersey
Waldenbooks, in Freehold Raceway Mall, 3710 Route 9, Freehold, (732) 303-8010
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Attending: Author Frank Finale will meet readers and sign books.